The IAOMT is concerned about the many sources of fluoride and health risks from this exposure.

Sources of human exposure to fluoride have drastically increased since community water fluoridation began in the U.S. in the 1940’s. In addition to water, these sources now include food, air, soil, pesticides, fertilizers, dental products used at home and in the dental office, pharmaceutical drugs, cookware (non-stick Teflon), and an array of other consumer items used on a regular basis. Most people are not aware of important fluoride facts about these sources.

Exposure to fluoride is suspected of impacting nearly every part of the human body, and the potential for harm has been clearly established in scientific research. A 2006 report by the National Research Council (NRC) identified a number of health risks associated with fluoride exposure. Susceptible subpopulations, such as infants, children, and individuals with diabetes or renal or thyroid problems, are known to be more severely impacted by intake of fluoride. Since such populations and all people can potentially be impacted by fluoride exposure, consumers need to know these crucial fluoride facts.

Additionally, a subpoena has forced the National Toxicology Program (NTP) to release a long overdue systematic review of fluoride’s neurotoxicity. Internal CDC emails revealed the analysis was blocked by Assistant Health Secretary Rachel Levine and concealed from the public since May 2022.  This latest report confirmed and strengthened the findings from two earlier drafts released in 2019 and 2020. External peer-reviewers all agreed with the conclusion that prenatal and early life fluoride exposures can reduce IQ.

Given the current levels of exposure, policies should reduce and work toward eliminating avoidable sources of fluoride, including water fluoridation, fluoride-containing dental materials, and other fluoridated products, as a means to promote overall health.

It’s time to learn fluoride facts because fluoride exposure has increased due to dental products, food, water, beverages, medicines, and other fluoride sources.


Learn the Fluoride Facts!

Learn the important fluoride facts by accessing these resources from the IAOMT:

serious dentist talking to concerned patient about fluoride
Fluoride Exposure and Human Health Risks

Increased sources of fluoride including water fluoridation, dental materials, and other fluoridated products, are accompanied by increased human health risks.

girl at lake fluoride pollution and the environment
Fluoride Pollution and Harm to the Environment

Fluoride pollution in the environment harms wildlife and occurs because fluoride is used in water fluoridation, dental products and other items.

womans thinks fluoride lack of saftey
Lack of Safety for Fluoride Chemical Summary

There is an alarming lack of safety, efficacy, and ethics for the numerous applications of the chemical fluoride in water and commonly used dental products.

Close-up of scientist’s hand with rubber glove using chemicals in a laboratory
Artificial Water Fluoridation: Understanding the Risks

There are many risks related to artificial water fluoridation including potential health effects, its impact on children, and its interaction with other chemicals.

fluoride dangerous chemical sign
Fluoride Dangers in Your Dental Products

Fluoride dangers are associated with dental products, such as toothpaste, mouthwash, and floss, as well as other products used in the dental office.

fluoride supplements not approved
Fluoride Supplements: Healthy or Harmful?

Many dentists prescribe fluoride supplements, also known as tablets, drops, lozenges, rinses, and vitamins, these products are potentially harmful.

Fluoride Toxicity: Exposure, Effects, and Examples

The first sign of fluoride toxicity is dental fluorosis, which is on the rise in the USA. Examples of fluoride toxicity demonstrate its serious threat.

doctor recommends patients avoid fluoride
Avoid Fluoride Now: 4 Easy Steps to be Fluoride-Free

Fluoride exposure levels from sources have increased since 1945, so it’s necessary to eliminate & avoid fluoride from all sources.

IAOMT Fluoride Position Paper
This document contains over 200 citations & represents the current science regarding the sources, exposure & health effects of fluoride.

summary of fluoride position paper
Summary of IAOMT Fluoride Position Paper

This slideshow, in PDF format, is a short, easy-to- read summary of the IAOMT’s Fluoride Position Paper.

Bottled water with fluoride on counter next to glass with a toothbrush in it
Sources of Fluoride Exposure Chart

The detailed chart identifies various routes of fluoride exposure from common sources.

warnings about fluoride chart
Warnings about Fluoride Chart

This chart contains quotes from scientific literature with warnings about fluoride.

Fluoride Article Authors

( Chairman of the Board )

Dr. Jack Kall, DMD, FAGD, MIAOMT, is a Fellow of the Academy of General Dentistry and a past President of the Kentucky chapter. He is an Accredited Master of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) and since 1996 has served as the Chairman of its’ Board of Directors. He also serves on the Bioregulatory Medical Institute’s (BRMI) Board of Advisors. He is a member of the Institute for Functional Medicine and American Academy for Oral Systemic Health.

( Lecturer, Filmmaker, Philanthropist )

Dr. David Kennedy practiced dentistry for over 30 years and retired from clinical practice in 2000. He is the Past President of the IAOMT and has lectured to dentists and other health professionals all over the world on the subjects of preventive dental health, mercury toxicity, and fluoride. Dr. Kennedy is recognized around the world as an advocate for safe drinking water, biological dentistry and is a recognized leader in the field of preventive dentistry. Dr. Kennedy is an accomplished author and director of the award-winning documentary film Fluoridegate.

Dr. Griffin Cole, MIAOMT received his Mastership in the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology in 2013 and drafted the Academy’s Fluoridation Brochure and the official Scientific Review on Ozone use in root canal therapy. He is a past President of the IAOMT and serves on the Board of Directors, the Mentor Committee, the Fluoride Committee, the Conference Committee and is the Fundamentals Course Director.