FDA Populations to Avoid Dental Amalgam Mercury Fillings
The infographic was created in 2020 to demonstrate that the FDA considers 60% of the U.S. population as high-risk for adverse health outcomes from dental amalgam mercury fillings.
Dental Amalgam, Mercury Exposure and Human Health Risks Throughout the Life Span
This infographic was for a book chapter "What Is the Risk? Dental Amalgam, Mercury Exposure, & Human Health Risks Throughout the Life Span"
Occupational Exposure to Dental Mercury
Learn the many ways occupational exposure to mercury occurs when working with or around “silver” amalgam fillings.
Mercury Induced Dementia
Exposure of neurons in culture to nanomolar levels of Hg2+ has been shown to produce three of the widely accepted pathological diagnostic hallmarks of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). These AD hallmarks are elevated amyloid protein, hyper-phosphorylation of Tau, and formation of neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs). Limiting exposure to any source of mercury is highly recommended. [...]
Mercury Contaminated Particulate Matter
Removal of mercury “silver” amalgam fillings release mercury vapor and thousands of micron and submicron size pieces of mercury contaminated particulate matter. The IAOMT provides solutions to protect staff, patients and the environment from the hazards of dental mercury.
Mercury Amalgam Fillings Pollute The Environment
A study funded by the American Dental Association (ADA) estimated in 2003 that 50 percent of mercury entering Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTWs) was contributed by dental offices. The IAOMT provides solutions to protect staff, patients and the environment from the hazards of dental mercury.
Dental Mercury’s Toxic Journey Back to the Environments
This graphic presents an overview of the many ways by which dentists contribute close to 30 tons of mercury into the United States environment each year.
Amalgam Removal Creates Mercury Vapor and Particulate Matter
Removal of mercury “silver” amalgam fillings release mercury vapor and thousands of micron and submicron size pieces of mercury contaminated particulate matter. The IAOMT provides solutions to protect staff, patients and the environment from the hazards of dental mercury.