Some doctors recommend that patients avoid fluoride as a means of improving health.
Sources of human exposure to fluoride have drastically increased since community water fluoridation began in the U.S. in the 1940’s. The IAOMT has explained that given the current levels of exposure, policies should reduce and work toward eliminating avoidable sources of fluoride, including water fluoridation, fluoride-containing dental materials, and other fluoridated products, as means to promote dental and overall health.
Consumers might wish to limit or avoid fluoride exposures as a means of protecting their health. Exposure to fluoride is suspected of impacting nearly every part of the human body. Click here to learn more about health effects of exposure to fluoride.
Step 1: Know Your Sources
The first step in avoiding fluoride is to know your sources of it! In addition to water, these sources now include food, beverages, pesticides, fertilizers, dental products used at home and in the dental office, pharmaceutical drugs, cookware (non-stick Teflon), clothing, carpeting, and an array of other consumer items used on a regular basis. Click here for a detailed list of fluoride sources: You might be surprised at some of the items!
Step 2: Demand Labels and Accurate Informed Consumer Consent

Consumers wishing to avoid fluoride cannot count on labeling, as some products do not contain fluoride information.
A major issue in the U.S. is that consumers are not aware of the fluoride added to hundreds of products they routinely use. Some citizens do not even know that fluoride is added to their community drinking water, and because there are no food or bottled water labels, consumers are likewise not aware of those sources of fluoride. These scenarios make it difficult to avoid fluoride, but if more people demand freedom of water choice and better labeling on products, this storyline might change.
While toothpaste and other over-the-counter dental products include disclosure of fluoride contents and warning labels, the information is often in small font and difficult to read. Materials used at the dental office provide even less consumer awareness as informed consent is generally not practiced, and the presence and risks of fluoride in dental materials is, in many instances, never mentioned to the patient. Again, if more people demand better labeling and informed consumer consent, this could change.
Step 3: Change Your Habits
The third step to avoid fluoride is to make lifestyle changes. Although informed consumer consent and more informative product labels would contribute to increasing patient awareness about fluoride intake, consumers also need to take a more active role in preventing cavities. Better diet, improved oral health practices, and other measures would assist in reducing tooth decay, as well as many other ailments.
Other habits also need to change in order to avoid unnecessary fluoride exposure. For example, certain foods and beverages (any and all made with fluoridated water, including bottled water, tea, juice, soft drinks, and even beer and wine) will need to be replaced with healthier options. This is especially important to consider in the case of infants drinking formula made with fluoridated tap water. Using a non-fluoridated bottled water for infant formula would drastically reduce dangerous levels of fluoride. Click here to visit a database about fluoride levels in food and beverages, and be sure to look at pages 12-26.
Also, some consumers opt to purchase special water filters to remove fluoride from their water. It is important to carefully research water filters, as many do not successfully remove fluoride. The Fluoride Action Network (FAN) has helpful resources for consumers wanting to avoid fluoride exposure. Click here to visit FAN’s page on this topic.
Step 4: Change the World!

Consumers wishing to avoid fluoride cannot count on labeling, as some products do not contain fluoride information.
Finally, in addition to changing your own life, you might also want to get involved by taking action to stop fluoridation in your community, country, and the even the world at large. Since the decision to fluoridate community water is made by the state or local municipality, your role as a citizen in your community is crucial to helping your region avoid fluoride.
If you are working to stop fluoride in your community and would like to provide public officials with information from the IAOMT, click here to download a PDF letter (must save to computer/device to insert a date). The IAOMT also welcomes you to print any of the fluoride materials on this website to share with others. Click here to view all of the IAOMT’s resources on fluoride.
Importantly, the Fluoride Action Network (FAN) has a tool kit for consumers to get involved in ending fluoridation. Click here to visit FAN’s Take Action page.
An excerpt from the DVD: “Professional Perspectives on Water Fluoridation”. To learn more, and to purchase the DVD, see:
Fluoride Article Authors
Dr. Jack Kall, DMD, FAGD, MIAOMT, is a Fellow of the Academy of General Dentistry and a past President of the Kentucky chapter. He is an Accredited Master of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) and since 1996 has served as the Chairman of its’ Board of Directors. He also serves on the Bioregulatory Medical Institute’s (BRMI) Board of Advisors. He is a member of the Institute for Functional Medicine and American Academy for Oral Systemic Health.