Baker, Jordan C., DDS, AIAOMT
Wellness Biodentistry
Office Phone:
Member Since:
SMART Certified:
Accreditation Level:

Accreditation, BDHA, SMART Banner
333 S. Woodruff Ave, Suite F
Idaho Fallls
United States
Number of IAOMT Conferences Attended:
Services Provided:
Biocompatibility Testing, Ceramic Implants, Digital X-rays, Full Mouth Rehabilitation, Full/Partial Dentures, Jawbone Osteonecrosis/Cavitations, Nutritional/Detox Counseling, Oral Surgery, Oxygen/Ozone, Periodontal Therapy, Sleep Dentistry
Practice Description:

Dental Solutions, Inc. is a state-of-the-art holistic dental clinic where we have a “whole health” approach to dentistry. Our main focus is to help your body heal itself through our integrated use of dental medicine and our holistic approach to treatment. We pride ourselves in our staff, our team of dental physicians, and the family friendly environment here at Dental Solutions, Inc. Patients often comment on how much they appreciate the genuine concern, commitment, and caring approach shown them. They also are often shocked at the pain-free dentistry they receive and how much better they feel after seeing Dr. Baker. Dr. Jordan Baker's commitment to education and his extensive training assures that you will receive state of the art attention to detail. He is triple certified in Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS), Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), and Basic Life Support (BLS) and he has received two years advanced training in oral &maxillofacial surgery and dental and facial trauma. He offers a wide variety of orofacial treatment for both children and adults including: ceramic dental implants, sinus lift surgeries, bone augmentation surgeries including multiple autografting procedures, laser dentistry, sleep dentistry, temporomandibular joint therapy (TMJ therapy), complete and partial dentures, and many other treatments ranging from simple teeth cleaning to full mouth rehabilitation.

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