Mirror of the Body


Dr. James Rota is a pioneer in holistic dentistry. After 50 years in dentistry, he is sharing his uncommon story about biological dentistry, the dangers of mercury fillings, and what you can do to save yourself and to stop the madness of mercury in dentistry.



Dr. James Rota is a pioneer in holistic dentistry. After 50 years in dentistry, he is sharing his uncommon story about biological dentistry, the dangers of mercury fillings, and what you can do to save yourself and to stop the madness of mercury in dentistry.

Mirror of the Body is an important book for people to become aware of the impact of dentistry on the rest of the body. Dr. Rota’s knowledge and care went beyond giving celebrities a ‘television smile.’ Over the past forty years, we have both explored health practices that have a positive impact on our wellbeing and longevity. Considering, I am celebrating my 90th birthday in good health, I would say we both did a great job!”

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