The Dentist’s Health: Evaluating Occupational Risks From The Use Of Amalgam

Many dentists, dental staff, and dental students do not realize that a variety of procedures involving manipulation of an old or new amalgam will expose them to levels of mercury that pose an immediate threat to their health unless they take precautions such as instituting work practices and engineering controls to minimize exposure.

The Dentist’s Health: Evaluating Occupational Risks From The Use Of Amalgam2019-01-26T02:09:08-05:00

Predicting the Future of Dental Amalgam Use and FDA Regulation

By Michael D. Fleming, DDS This article was published in the February 2013 edition of "DentalTown" Magazine There is a no greater challenge in dentistry these days than accurately predicting the future of dental amalgam use and FDA regulation. Given the more restrictive trends in federal and international regulatory policy with respect to mercury in [...]

Predicting the Future of Dental Amalgam Use and FDA Regulation2018-01-19T16:56:48-05:00

Are Mercury Fillings Safe?

In this January 2013 television segment on CBS’s The Doctors, investigative reporter Melanie Woodrow discusses whether silver amalgam fillings should be a cause for concern. Click here to watch the episode from the Doctors.

Are Mercury Fillings Safe?2018-01-23T16:30:29-05:00

Periodontal disease and overall health: An update

This authors of this research article from 2013 explain, “Periodontitis has been associated with several systemic conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, adverse pregnancy outcomes and respiratory infections. In recent years, the relationship of periodontitis to overall health has been explored by numerous researchers who have expanded our understanding of periodontal disease as it affects [...]

Periodontal disease and overall health: An update2018-01-22T13:09:39-05:00

Hidden River Press Release

12/03/2012 – Hidden River Press Release -Sharon, Massachusetts Poisoned Mom asks Town to Learn, Reduce Mercury, Improve Health -Sharon, MA  Town Meeting to Include Mercury Dental Amalgam Issues- Press Release Poisoned Mom Asks Town for Action

Hidden River Press Release2018-01-26T13:04:36-05:00

Biological Dentistry: An Introduction to Oral Medicine – Dental Toxicology

Biological Dentistry seeks the safest, least toxic way to accomplish the mission of treatment, all the goals of modern dentistry, and do it while treading as lightly as possible on the patient’s biological terrain.

Biological Dentistry: An Introduction to Oral Medicine – Dental Toxicology2022-11-23T01:36:12-05:00

2012 IAOMT Position Statement on Dental Mercury Amalgam Submitted to the European Commission

The following is the Position Statement on Dental Amalgam from the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology submitted in response to the "Call for Information" extended by the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified health Risks (SCENIHR). Read More »

2012 IAOMT Position Statement on Dental Mercury Amalgam Submitted to the European Commission2018-01-19T16:45:49-05:00

Choi et al, 2012: Developmental Fluoride Neurotoxicity: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Developmental Fluoride Neurotoxicity: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Anna L. Choi, Guifan Sun, Ying Zhang, Philippe Grandjean Abstract Background: Although fluoride may cause neurotoxicity in animal models and acute fluoride poisoning causes neurotoxicity in adults, very little is known of its effects on children’s neurodevelopment. Objective: We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis of published [...]

Choi et al, 2012: Developmental Fluoride Neurotoxicity: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis2018-01-22T12:28:33-05:00

Duplinsky 2012: The Health Status of Dentists Exposed to Mercury from Silver Amalgam Tooth Restorations

International Journal of Statistics in Medical Research, 2012, 1, 1-15 Thomas G. Duplinsky 1,* and Domenic V. Cicchetti 2 1 Department of Surgery, Yale University School of Medicine, USA 2 Child Study Center and Departments of Biometry and Psychiatry, Yale University School of Medicine, USA Abstract: The authors employed pharmacy utilization data to evaluate the [...]

Duplinsky 2012: The Health Status of Dentists Exposed to Mercury from Silver Amalgam Tooth Restorations2018-02-01T13:53:06-05:00

Woods et al, 2012 – Neurobehavioral Data From CATs Reveals Greater Hg Effects In Boys with CPOX4 Gene

Examination of neurobehavioral and genetic information gathered from 330 of the children in the Casa Pia "Children's Amalgam Trial" study showed that genetic variances influenced susceptibility to the toxic effects of mercury. Boys with the CPOX4 gene had significantly worse performance than those with the normal gene, while girls did not show this effect. View [...]

Woods et al, 2012 – Neurobehavioral Data From CATs Reveals Greater Hg Effects In Boys with CPOX4 Gene2018-01-20T20:18:28-05:00
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