The Ziff Bibliography of Mercury Topics
This vintage, comprehensive bibliography of topics relative to chronic mercury exposure, especially from dental amalgam (circa 2000) View Article: The Ziff Bibliography of Mercury Topics
This vintage, comprehensive bibliography of topics relative to chronic mercury exposure, especially from dental amalgam (circa 2000) View Article: The Ziff Bibliography of Mercury Topics
Definitions and protocols A brief introduction to the practice of anti-infective periodontal therapy. "The goal of biocompatible periodontal therapy is the elimination of the infections, not the elimination of tooth structure." Biocompatible Periodontal Therapy IAOMT Committee on Periodontal Therapy Periodontal disease is an infection --- “an invasion by pathogenic microorganisms of a bodily part in [...]
This article is a list of symptoms attributed to mercury exposure, each with many references, that was compiled prior to the year 2000. View Article: Mercury Exposure Symptom References To read a more updated article about symptoms of mercury exposure, click here.
This is the classic article written by Professor Alfred Stock in 1926 that set off the "second amalgam war." It comes to us from librarian and translator Birgit Calhoun of Stanford University. View Article: Alfred Stock - 1926 - "Dangerousness of Mercury Vapor"
Wesley E. Shankland, II, D.D.S., M.S., Ph.D. TMJ & Facial Pain Center Columbus, OH Introduction The diagnosis and treatment of orofacial pain are challenges to the clinician as well as frustrating to the one afflicted. At least two reasons account for these observations. Anatomically, the orofacial region is one of the most highly [...]
ASSESSMENT OF EXPOSURE AND RISKS FROM COMPONENTS AND DEGRADATION PRODUCTS OF COMPOSITE RESIN DENTAL MATERIALS G. Mark Richardson This 1996 analysis, made prior to the emergence of endocrine disruption as a consequence of very low level exposures, concludes: Based on the foregoing analysis, it was concluded that composite resin dental restorations containing silica [...]
In April of 1990 the ADA published a Special Report entitled "When your patients ask about mercury in amalgam." This ADA Special Report is of concern because it omits information and contains misinformation which misleads patients and dentists regarding amalgam safety. In 1993, the IAOMT produced this response to the ADA’s report. View Article: A Scientific [...]
Here are five strong sites that present the responsible, scientifically supported opposition to water fluoridation. View Article: Fluoride Links
The late Gary Strong, DDS, was an active early IAOMT member. When the Montana Dental Board went after him for advertising “mercury free dentistry”, he contacted the Denver office of the Federal Trade Commission. The commission sent him this letter, after which the dental board was silent. Federal Trade Commission [...]