Michael Aschner, PhD: Chairman
Professor of Pediatrics, Pharmacology, and Senior Investigator at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

Michael D. Fleming, DDS: Vice Chairman
Consultant to the Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Devices and Radiologic Health.

Louis W. Chang, PhD
Emeritus Professor of Pathology, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences.
Founding Director of the Taiwan Division of Environmental Health & Occupational Medicine.

Jerry E. Bouquot, DDS, MSD
Retired Adjunct Professor at the University of Texas and West Virginia University.
Director of Research for his 20-year-old private research center, the Maxillofacial Center for Education and Research.

Boyd Haley, PhD, MIAOMT
Professor Emeritus and former Chairman of the Department of Chemistry, University of Kentucky; permanent member, NIH Biomedical Sciences, Study Section.

Richard Fischer, DDS, MIAOMT: IAOMT Liaison
Graduate of Georgetown University School of Dentistry. Served as a Clinical Instructor in the Department of Dental Materials. Currently serving on the American College of Integrative Medicine and Dentistry faculty.