Dr. Kerbs has a holistic dental practice located in Escondido, CA. Dr. Kerbs is accredited with the IAOMT and specializes holistic / biological dentistry in all aspects of his practice. Dr. Kerbs practice is fluoride free, uses ozonated water, is metal free, and focuses on health and wellness for all patients. Dr. Kerbs is currently completing a residency through the Texas Center for Occlusal Studies: http://texascenterforocclusalstudies.com/ qualifying him to complete full mouth rehabilitation cases with successful results. Dr. Kerbs specializes in full mouth rehabilitation, TMJ/TMD therapy, facial pain, occlusion, safe amalgam removal, all porcelain crowns and veneers, ozone dentistry, laser dentistry, snoring treatments, sleep apnea treatments, laser gum treatments, laser facial rejuvenation with Smoothlase.