Dr. Carmen Burke is a caring and gentle holistic dentist practicing in Boulder who enjoys seeing patients of all ages. She knows that every person is different, and everyone deserves individual attention. It’s this personal service, holistic approach, and dedication to providing excellent dentistry that truly sets her practice apart. Dr. Burke obtained a dental degree in Colombia, her native country, where she practiced for ten years. In 2008, she moved to the United States and attended Loma Linda University Dental School in California, where she graduated with a DDS. She is Board Certified with the Integrative Biologic Dental Medicine Association and certified as a Naturopathic Dentist. Dr. Burke has also received in-depth training in ozone therapy and the Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique (SMART certified). In addition she continues to be an active member of the IAOMT (International Academy of Oral medicine and toxicology) and Holistic Dental Association (HDA).