Amalgam Vs. Tuna: which is more risky?

Which delivers more mercury, dental amalgam or a tuna fish sandwich?  By  G. Mark Richardson, Ph.D.Risklogic Scientific Services Inc., Ottawa, ON CANADAIntroduction The debate concerning mercury (Hg) exposure from dental amalgam continues in North America (see, for example: Richardson et al., 2011; Richardson, in press). One response to this debate has been the assertion that [...]

Amalgam Vs. Tuna: which is more risky?2018-01-20T21:28:25-05:00

The Real Cost of Dental Mercury

This 2012 report confirms that “amalgam is by no means the least expensive filling material when the external costs are taken into account.” It was co-released by the IAOMT and Concorde East/West Sprl, the European Environmental Bureau, the Mercury Policy Project, the International Academy of Oral, Clean Water Action and Consumers for Dental Choice. Click [...]

The Real Cost of Dental Mercury2018-01-19T16:43:04-05:00

Text of FDA’s Actual 2012 Amalgam Safety Proposal

In January 2012, the FDA had actually prepared a "Safety Communication" that recommended reducing the use of mercury amalgam in the general population, and avoiding it in susceptible sub-populations: pregnant and nursing women children under six years of age people with allergy to mercury or other components people with neurological disease people with [...]

Text of FDA’s Actual 2012 Amalgam Safety Proposal2018-09-29T18:15:45-04:00

Geier et al, 2012 – Exposure to Amalgam and Urinary Mercury Levels in CAT Studies

Completing a trifecta of refutation for the CAT studies, joining previous papers showing dose dependent effects of amalgam mercury on porphyrin metabolism and neurobehavioral performance, a new paper by David Geier et. al. shows exposure to mercury from amalgam is directly correlated with urinary mercury in children.   Hum Exp Toxicol. 2012 Jan;31(1):11-7. Epub 2011 [...]

Geier et al, 2012 – Exposure to Amalgam and Urinary Mercury Levels in CAT Studies2018-01-20T20:10:00-05:00

Dental Metal Allergy

This 2011 book chapter about dental metal allergy was written by researchers in Japan. They explain, “Dental metal allergy is the general term used to describe allergic diseases caused by reactions to dental metal materials. Recently, allergic symptoms involving other dental materials, such as organic compounds, have been reported, and these allergic diseases need to [...]

Dental Metal Allergy2018-01-21T21:56:30-05:00

Calcium Oxide Root Fillings (Endocal-10, Biocalex): Three Year Follow-Up

Abstract:  Calcium oxide, available for decades as a root canal filling material, has been little used in recent years due to its lack of radio-opacity, and an expectation that it would lead to an excess of root fractures.  In this study, four general dentists submitted 79 cases of endodontically treated teeth whose roots were filled [...]

Calcium Oxide Root Fillings (Endocal-10, Biocalex): Three Year Follow-Up2018-01-22T12:56:30-05:00

Bisphenol-A in Dental Composites

There is considerable concern among scientists and the public about the hormone-mimicking properties of many chemical components of plastics, including those found in dental composites. The commonly used Bis-GMA resin uses one of the most controversial of these, Bisphenol-A (BPA). Responsible composite manufacturers claim that there is no unreacted BPA in dental resins, and that [...]

Bisphenol-A in Dental Composites2018-01-22T11:17:34-05:00

The US Amalgam Debate

This paper, written by engineer Robert Cartland, who testified about his own experiences with mercury toxicity at the December, 2010, FDA hearings, is a very thorough, deeply researched look at the issues under debate concerning dental amalgam. View Article: Cartland -US Dental Amalgam Debate 2010 FDA Meeting 2012-11-18

The US Amalgam Debate2018-01-19T16:27:45-05:00

Advancing Oral Health in America

This 2011 report from the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies explores the need for dentistry to be better addressed in health programs. They explain, “Oral health care is often excluded from our thinking about health…This division is reinforced by the fact that dentists, dental hygienists, and dental assistants are separated from other health [...]

Advancing Oral Health in America2018-01-21T21:55:08-05:00

Mutter, J, 2011: Is Amalgam Safe For Humans?

Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology 2011, 6:2 doi:10.1186/1745-6673-6-2 Abstract: It was claimed by the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR)) in a report to the EU-Commission that " risks of adverse systemic effects exist and the current use of dental amalgam does not pose a risk of systemic disease..." SCENIHR disregarded [...]

Mutter, J, 2011: Is Amalgam Safe For Humans?2018-01-20T20:07:31-05:00
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