Mercury Hygiene in Dental Clinics

This article from the IAOMT offers an overview of occupational hazards of dental mercury and pertinent U.S. regulations. Because of daily exposures to dental mercury in their breathing zone during the placement, cleaning, polishing, removal, and other practices involving amalgam fillings, dentists, dental staff, and dental students are exposed to mercury at a greater rate [...]

Mercury Hygiene in Dental Clinics2018-01-19T14:41:25-05:00

Mercury from fillings in your teeth can’t go down public sewers anymore, EPA rules

This December 2016 article by Greg Gordon of McClatchy News explains, “The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has adopted a rule to require dentists, whose treatment of tooth decay with mercury compounds has sent the toxic substance into public sewers for decades, to contain their discharges by early 2020.” Click here to read the entire article.

Mercury from fillings in your teeth can’t go down public sewers anymore, EPA rules2018-01-22T20:35:51-05:00

Citizen’s Petition on Fluoride to the EPA

In November 2016, the IAOMT joined the Fluoride Action Network and other groups to petition the EPA regarding the neurotoxic risks posed by fluoride chemicals in drinking water under Section 21 of TSCA. Click here to read the detailed citizen’s petition.

Citizen’s Petition on Fluoride to the EPA2018-01-22T11:54:41-05:00

Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique

On July 1, 2016, the IAOMT protocol recommendations were officially renamed as the Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique (SMART), and a training course for IAOMT dentists to become certified in SMART was initiated. Scientific research demonstrates that dental mercury amalgam exposes dental professionals, dental staff, dental patients, and fetuses to releases of mercury vapor, mercury-containing [...]

Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique2018-01-19T14:36:55-05:00

What Is the Risk? Dental Amalgam, Mercury Exposure, and Human Health Risks

In February 2016, the research article “What Is the Risk? Dental Amalgam, Mercury Exposure, and Human Health Risks Throughout the Life Span” was published in the Springer textbook, Epigenetics, the Environment, and Children’s Health Across Lifespans. It is written by John Kall, DMD, MIAOMT, Chairperson of the IAOMT Board of Directors, Amanda Just, Program Director [...]

What Is the Risk? Dental Amalgam, Mercury Exposure, and Human Health Risks2018-01-20T20:31:10-05:00

Dental group defends mercury fillings amid mounting evidence of risks

This 2015 article by Greg Gordon of McClatchy News explains that “evidence is emerging of the potential consequences of the U.S. dental industry’s longtime reliance on mercury and its chief advocacy group’s determined crusade to fend off any and all challenges.” Click here to read the entire article.

Dental group defends mercury fillings amid mounting evidence of risks2018-01-22T20:34:41-05:00

Why are ‘holistic’ dentists on the rise?

This 2015 news story describes how some dentists treat the whole body and not just the teeth. The author explains, “Holistic dentists fill cavities, clean teeth and make bridges and implants. But they also are rooted in the concept that when treating teeth, you must consider the entire body — diet, lifestyle, mental and emotional [...]

Why are ‘holistic’ dentists on the rise?2018-01-21T22:02:09-05:00

Did HHS Cancel Proposed FDA Limits on Mercury Fillings?

This article by Robert Lowes of Medscape and published in July 2015 explores how the FDA had “appeared ready to prohibit the use of mercury-based dental fillings, or dental amalgam, in pregnant women, nursing mothers, children aged less than 6 years, and other groups considered sensitive to the metal's neurotoxic vapors.”  Click here to read [...]

Did HHS Cancel Proposed FDA Limits on Mercury Fillings?2018-01-22T20:36:57-05:00

Things to know about mercury fillings

This 2015 article by Greg Gordon of McClatchy News explains “some facts about mercury dental fillings – their regulation, impact and scientists’ attempts to understand why they may put some people at risk.” Click here to read the entire article.

Things to know about mercury fillings2018-01-22T20:31:38-05:00
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