IAOMT Position on Fluoridation

In IAOMT's ongoing examination of the toxicological data on fluoride, the Academy has made several preliminary determinations over the last 18 years, each concluding that fluoride added to the public water supply, or prescribed as controlled-dose supplements, delivers no discernible health benefit, and causes a higher incidence of adverse health effects. View Article: IAOMT Position [...]

IAOMT Position on Fluoridation2017-10-24T15:17:29-04:00

Critiques of the Children’s Amalgam Trials

In 2006, the Journal of the American Medical Association published two articles that have been widely regarded as proving that amalgam dental fillings are safe for children: Timothy A. Rouen, et. Al., Neurobehavioral effects of dental amalgam in children, JAMA 295(15): 1784-92. 2006. David C. Bellinger, et. al., Neuropsychological and renal effects of dental amalgam [...]

Critiques of the Children’s Amalgam Trials2018-01-20T20:02:14-05:00

Quackbusters Wrong Again on Amalgam

A widely read "quackbuster" blog claims that the "Smoking Teeth" video shows water vapor instead of mercury coming off the amalgam filling.  Drs. Vimy, Haley, Eichman, and Kennedy explain why that's all wet!   Quackbuster's Analysis of “Smoking Teeth = Poison Gas” Video Fails Scientific Scrutiny M.J. Vimy, DDS, B.E. Haley, PhD, R. Eichman, DDS [...]

Quackbusters Wrong Again on Amalgam2018-01-20T21:25:28-05:00

National Research Council Review of Drinking Water Standards for Fluoride

FLUORIDE IN DRINKING WATER: A Scientific Review of EPA’s Standards published 2006 A 400 page report that reviews all the knowledge up to that time concerning the effects of fluoride in drinking water on organs, tissues and susceptible human populations. This report predates most of the publications that demonstrate negative effects of ingested fluoride on [...]

National Research Council Review of Drinking Water Standards for Fluoride2018-01-22T11:57:00-05:00

Risk Assessment of Amalgam, 2005

Mutter, et. al., have brought the literature citations for amalgam risk assessment up to date as of 2005, in this English translation of a German review paper. View Article: Risk Assessment of Amalgam, 2005

Risk Assessment of Amalgam, 20052018-01-20T19:58:08-05:00

Our Preferred Poison – DISCOVER Magazine Article

A very accessible introduction to the dangers of mercury written in 2005 by an author who vowed to have her amalgam fillings replaced after researching the subject! "A little mercury is all that humans need to do away with themselves quietly, slowly, and surely." Click to view article.

Our Preferred Poison – DISCOVER Magazine Article2018-01-20T21:24:17-05:00

WHO 2005 Report: Mercury in Health Care

Despite claims to the contrary by defenders of amalgam, the official position of the World Health Organization remains that of the 1991 conference: dental amalgam is the greatest source of inorganic mercury for the general population, outside of industrial exposures. Attached is a two page report published by the WHO Department of Protection of the [...]

WHO 2005 Report: Mercury in Health Care2018-01-19T15:56:05-05:00

The Scientific Case Against Mercury Amalgam

A 2005 review of the scientific evidence demonstrating significant exposure to mercury and resulting physiological harm from dental amalgam. View Article: The Scientific Case Against Mercury Amalgam

The Scientific Case Against Mercury Amalgam2018-01-20T21:45:08-05:00

Effects of Amalgam Removal on Health

In 2004, Swedish IAOMT Fellow Mats Hanson, PhD, concluded that 25 studies comprising 5821 patients “give a very consistent result:  there is hardly any medical treatment which gives such positive results on so many health problems as amalgam removal.” View Article: Effects of Amalgam Removal on Health

Effects of Amalgam Removal on Health2022-04-11T14:00:29-04:00

Swallow Your Veggies, Not Fluoride

Swallow your veggies not fluoride By Carol Kopf New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc. (NYSCOF) Fluoride is neither a nutrient nor essential for healthy teeth (1-3). However, the evidence is solid that lack of essential nutrients makes teeth more decay susceptible. Good dental health begins in the womb (4). Specifically, calcium, protein, phosphorus, [...]

Swallow Your Veggies, Not Fluoride2018-01-22T11:53:02-05:00
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