About Jerry Bouquot, DDS

Dr. Jerry Bouquot earned his DDS and MSD degrees from the University of Minnesota, with postdoctoral fellowships to the Mayo Clinic and the Royal Dental College in Copenhagen, Denmark as the recipient of a Career Development Award from the American Cancer Society. He holds the record as the youngest oral pathology chair in U.S. history and for more than 26 years was chair of two diagnostic science departments, one in West Virginia University and the other at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. He has received more than 50 honors and awards, including WVU’s highest awards for teaching and service to humanity, and its alumni association’s Lifetime Achievement Award. He received the St. George National Award, the highest award given by the American Cancer Society for lifetime efforts in cancer control, and has been awarded the Bridgeman Distinguished Dentist Award from the West Virginia Dental Association, the Distinguished Leadership Award from the West Virginia Public Health Association, a Presidential Certificate of Appreciation from the American Academy of Oral Medicine, Honorary Life Membership from the International Association of Oral Pathologists, the Distinguished Alumnus Award from the University of Minnesota and both the Fleming and Davenport Award for Original Research and the Award for Pioneer Work in Teaching & Research from The University of Texas.
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