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Buy Wellbutrin SR (Bupropion) 150 mg Online Without Prescription

Wellbutrin SR is an atypical antidepressant, meaning its unique formulation is best for easing depression and controlling disorders that come with withdrawal effects. Some of these disorders stem from smoking habits and attachment to substances like dopamine and norepinephrine. This makes Wellbutrin SR a go-to medication for smokers who wish to quit or reduce cravings (pica).

Things to Keep in Mind Before Taking the Wellbutrin SR Pill

You cannot use Wellbutrin SR to treat two or more conditions simultaneously. You’re either treating depression or managing your smoking habit, one at a time. Starting your treatment with an atypical antidepressant like Wellbutrin SR may cause you to have suicidal thoughts at the beginning of your medication. It could be anything unusual, but open communication and following up with check-ups will help to control it and scale past this phase.

Your doctor needs to know if you’re:

  • Under 18 years old.
  • Allergic to the Wellbutrin SR Pill
  • Have an eating disorder
  • Have a seizure or head injury
  • Any form of mental illness, including depression,
  • Diabetes
  • Liver/kidney malfunction
  • Narrow-angle glaucoma
  • Have a history with alcohol
  • You’re pregnant/breastfeeding

Taking Wellbutrin SR while pregnant or breastfeeding could have an effect on the baby, which would help your doctor monitor you and your baby’s health.

Why Is Wellbutrin SP Different From Other Antidepressants?

When treatment with a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressant yields little response, doctors introduce the Wellbutrin SR Pill. However, ingestion of the Wellbutrin SR Pill won’t add to your weight or cause sexual dysfunction. The pill helps prevent fatigue, so it does not cause sleepiness.

How to Take the Wellbutrin SR Pill

The best way to use the Wellbutrin SR Pill is to follow the prescription provided by your doctor or physician. It'll clearly show the number of pills to take and what time of day is best for your next dosage.

The illness you're treating plays a significant role in determining your dosage, which can range from a low dose to more pills. However, do not increase your prescribed dosage without speaking with your doctor.

Stopping your medication before the prescribed dosage is complete often results in withdrawal symptoms. Therefore, even if you feel healed after a while of taking the Wellbutrin SR Pill, you should complete your medication according to the doctor's prescription.

If your prescription says to take it twice daily, set your reminder so you don't miss your pill at any of both hours. You must adhere to your medication schedule to help your body adjust and accept the changes.

Instead of chewing or crushing your Wellbutrin SR pill, swallow it with water before or after eating. In most cases, chewing or crushing your pill exposes all the chemical elements of the drug. This could alter the expected process by which the Wellbutrin SR Pill ought to work in your body.

Don’t hesitate to notify your doctor if the condition persists after medication. Most importantly, avoid alcohol intake while on the Wellbutrin SP medication.

Side Effects of the Wellbutrin SR Pill

Allergies contribute to some side effects of Wellbutrin SR. So if you have one, you can easily stay away from the pill altogether. If you notice any allergic reactions while taking Wellbutrin SR, please contact your doctor.

  • Fever
  • Itchiness
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Swollen throat
  • Constipation
  • Dry mouth
  • Anxiety

These are just a few of the numerous side effects that could arise from taking Wellbutrin SR. Closely monitor your body from the moment your medication starts and inform your doctor if you notice anything new or unusual.

How to Deal with an Overdose of the Wellbutrin SR Pill

You must treat a Wellbutrin SP overdose as an emergency because it can cause fatal conditions such as fainting, hallucinations, and shallow breathing. When this happens, call for medical attention or 1-800-222-1222 to be linked to the nearest poison center for immediate assistance.

Please note that missing a dose and trying to make up for it by taking more pills is equally considered to be an overdose. If you miss a dose, wait for your next medication and continue with the normal prescription.

Conclusion: Other Precautions to Note

Within a timeframe of 4 weeks, users of Wellbutrin SR have seen significant results and improvements in their health conditions. However, one must adhere to the following precautions to minimize the possibility of extreme side effects:

Suicidal Thoughts: Individuals suffering from depression may experience heightened suicidal thoughts during the initial stages of treatment with Wellbutrin SP tablets. This is why they require close monitoring once their medication starts.

Seizure Occurrence: Taking a dose beyond 400 mg daily will most likely cause a seizure in the patient. Do not start your treatment at a 400 mg plus dosage, even though your prescription may increase as your treatment progresses. Seizures can also be caused by continuous use of hard drugs, alcohol consumption, or a low appetite when Wellbutrin SR medication starts.

Hypertension: Combining Wellbutrin SR, a sustained-release tablet, with another medication does not work well. There’s a high tendency for both drugs to affect each other, which could lead to hypertension or other symptoms. Therefore, patients should inform their doctor immediately if they need to start another medication. Most importantly, when they start taking the Wellbutrin SR pills, they should constantly check their blood pressure.